Be on the forefront of a collective healing revolution, of your healing revolution.

Learn the craft of healing your thoughts, physiology and self.

Practise the art of restoring regulation to your system.

Commit to being the advocate of your mind, health and life choices.

All of that awaits you in consumable nuggets of healing information.

Do it for your sake.

Free Advice: Commit to yourself

I wanted to make it as affordable as possible. Truly.

When I began healing, I ate plain pasta with cheap ketchup and shared a room that used to be stables or something.

I want to give you what I wish I had been given.

To tell you what I wish I had been told.

The cheap-ketchup times taught me two things:

  1. The free subscription must be an option because there are fellow plain pasta eaters.

  2. The paid subscription must be there to give me the time and freedom to give you even more.

The first post, FOR MY SAKE: The Simplified Version, is your go-to guide to FOR MY SAKE!

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Trauma-Informed, Body-Based Self-Development. For your sake. Making healing financially accessible. For our sake.


↓ Making healing financially accessible. Guiding you on your trauma-informed, body-based, self-discovery. ↓